Friday, May 26, 2017

Brain Vs Computer

All right guys, technically we’re not supposed to compare human brains and computers as it’s not something that you can technically do, Which is a little disappointing.  Okay so, we can kind of compare the outputs of brains and computers, So let’s at least do that.  The world’s largest supercomputer is called “””K””” (as in 2011) and it lives in Japan. It computes about four times faster than your brain and has about 10 times the storage capacity.  The   human brain can process the equivalent of about 2.2 mega flops (I love that word mega flop it sounds like - what my cat does when she wants me to rub her belly). A mega flop is a million operations per second so our brains are processing about 6.18 quadrillion operations per second which I mean, when you see the stupidity of some people   it’s just shocking. By contrast the case of your computer does about 8.2 billion mega flops which is a lot more. On the other hand the case supercomputer takes about 10,000 watts to run  by contrast our brain takes about 20 watts to run and the  “””K”””  supercomputer cost tens of millions of dollars to create  whereas the human brain costs literally  nothing to create.  The annual operating cost of  the supercomputer is 10   million dollars and the annual operating cost of your brain is hot pockets and Quiznos  and then you look at it pound for pound,  your cubic inch for cubic inch and your brain  is like the size of   both your fists cell   together

A Cabinet Of """K"""

 and the ‘’’’’’K’’’’’’ supercomputer  uses 864 cabinets that are stretched  out in a room (the size  of a large airplane hangar)  but it’s still really  difficult to compare brains  and computers because they  work in completely  different  ways. 


A computer has a program or a set  of instructions  that tells it  what to do in addition to a memory  that contains   all the  data and   a processor that  goes and gets the instruction implies them to the data  one at a time  in a sequence,  It’s all very orderly.

On the other hand a brain doesn’t have separate processes in memory programs,  each neuron in the  brain can take in thousands  upon thousands of inputs  at a time and simultaneously independently process them  and spit out the  answers plus it modifies its own functioning on the  fly all this is happening  and it’s hundred billion or so  neurons. The  ‘’’’’’K’’’’’’ supercomputer doesn’t get anywhere close  to being that   cool so a supercomputer may be more  powerful than a human  brain but the human brain is still totally  spring  wins.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mind Controlling Parasites

Mind Controlling Parasites

Parasites wheedle their way into our bodies to set up or basically turn us into a living cafeteria but what’s more upsetting to me than when they start to eat me is when they try and take over my brain. How did you not know that they re parasites that can take over your brain so I well here’s the thing - so some parasites aren’t content to just set up shopping and like consume the body of their host they need their hosts to do something specific to continue their life cycle and to go parasites are so crafty they can do this by taking over the brains of their hosts say for example the green banded brood sac a kind of worm that likes to live inside of bird but in order to get into a bird it has to first get into a birds food and this is where the snail comes in. Certain snails love to eat bird poop and bird poop is you know where   green banded brood sac larvae end up after infecting a bird so a snail strolls by and sees all awesome some delicious bird crap sitting on a leaf but little does it know that that poop has a baby little worm   larva in it that’s going to hijack its brain, turn it into a zombie, and drive its body round like a go-kart. So worm uses the snail to create this unbelievable scene just to get the attention of the bird. Basically the worm will drive its zombie snail to a conspicuous location where a bird is sure to see it and then it jams itself up into the snail’s eye tentacle and puts on a laser show making the snails head look like a giant delicious maggot. So a bird eats the snail and  the whole cycle starts over but I’ll see you one of those  and raise you a hair worm these  little bastards work their way into insects  like grasshoppers through the water  that the insects are drinking and they live inside  of those insects until they are fully grown. Well when it’s time for  these hair worms to make they need to get back into the water and so it secretes proteins that interfere with the grasshopper’s brain chemistry, overrides its entire existence, every fiber of its being and commands  the grasshopper to commit suicide. It makes the grass before   jumping  to the nearest body of water  where it and the worm is super happy crawls out of  its butthole and goes on to mate with other disgusting butthole worms.  Fortunately for us not a lot of parasites are able to deal  with the  Marvisly complicated thing that we’ve  got sitting on top of  our necks oh but  there’s this protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii  which were  just kind of call talk so for short cats poop out the talk so babies but then cats don’t eat cat poop because that would be gross  unlike dogs but the things that do eat cat poop for whatever reason  turn out to be  rats but then the  taco has  a problem of how  to get  from   the rat back into a cat so the talk so interferes with the brain chemistry  of the rat   and switches off the little lever  that says do not go near cats will eat and instead  it tells the rat  brain you love the  cats, you love those kitty aren’t   they  so charming and adorable wouldn’t you just like to spoon a cat.  Every  time a rat tries to spoon a cat  you know what happens it gets  chomped  and success but here’s the thing  people  also spend a lot  of time around  cats and we’re actually pretty similar to rats when it comes to brain chemistry as upsetting as that might  be and there is  research that suggests that the gigantic jump in cases of schizophrenia  in the mid to late  nineteenth century occurred at the same time as a gigantic jump in cat ownership  indeed some studies  have shown a link between the amount of toxo and  the amount of schizophrenia  suggesting  that this little jerk might be interfering  with human brain chemistry  but no one is yet saying that this explains  the crazy cat lady phenomenon.  The jury’s still out on that one. Thank you for reading this. I promise you to make you a smarter!! ! ! !

Moto G5 (Lunar Grey)